Online / Remote Physio

Solve your pain problem


We are available to help you whether you live in the West End of Glasgow or the Western Isles of Scotland! Location is no barrier as we found out during the pandemic. We often provide a second opinion or support to those who live in more remote parts out-with Glasgow, and our online sessions have opened up access to everyone.

We can also link up with your local health care providers and forge a path together. We love to collaborate with your personal trainer, yoga teacher or massage therapist, because you deserve a joined up team around you to help move you forwards.

Your initial online session will last up to 1 hour and via zoom. Initially we will have a good talk through how your pain issue is affecting you and your life and gain a full medical history. Wear comfortable clothes you can move about in as we will then want to look at you moving, stretching, bending or working out! After this we will give you a full explanation to help you make sense of what is going on as well as talking you and moving you through a comprehensive rehab plan. We often send out links and other resources to support you.


Online appointments costs

Initial consultation £60

30 minute review £35


Nicola recommends West End Physio Glasgow

"So grateful for the physio treatment I received from Shona at West End Physio. I had online physio sessions due to lockdown. Shona’s encouragement and expertise gave me the confidence to build back up to running and cycling having had knee pain for several months. Completing physio sessions on Zoom was surprisingly NOT a barrier - in fact it was perfect as otherwise I’d have had a long trip to Glasgow! Very quickly I noticed an improvement in my symptoms. I am now pain free and back out exercising. An EXCELLENT service which I can highly recommend. Thank you Shona."